Thursday, October 7, 2010

SLU's Creative Writing Group, And MWSP Notes:

Hello all, just thought I should share this with our non-english major members:

"---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin Lockerd
Date: 6 October 2010 09:32
Subject: Cobra Kai Writing Dojo
To: Elena Leonard

Dear All,

SLU's very own creative writing group is back. Our first meeting was a
smashing success, and we're ready to share the experience with you.
Stop by the Cafe Ventana annex tomorrow (10/7) from 3:30 to 5, and get
your mind blown by John Lux and Michael Elam, who have promised to
change the way we think about fiction with prose that has been know to
raise the dead, cure the sick, and make barren land fertile.
Faculty, grad students, and undergrads are all welcome. You do not
have to be a creative writer to attend this life-changing experience.
All you need is a love of living literature (and bad alliteration).

Hope to see you there,


PS Check out our Facebook page, and email me if you have any questions."

Their meetings are in the Cafe Ventana Annex (a second building right next to the coffeeshop that you can get to by going through the back) and the next one should be.... in two weeks or so? I forget, but you can email Martin if you would like to get on the list.

In other news, I apologize for the delay, but the MWSP shall be under way either very shortly, or, possibly, even tomorrow. I've been informed that the comments threads can only hold about 350 words, so this may put a damper on how much you can add per post... but nothing here is preventing you from commenting more than once.

So here's how it'll go down:

I'll write either the first part or a prompt, and anyone (at their leisure) can add to it via commenting. I'm sure colliding use won't be too much of a problem, since there aren't too many of us, so there shouldn't be too many continuity errors. Since this first one will be "unstructured" however, it won't make too much of a difference. :3

A few house rules, though:

1) No instant death of another character.

2) No wiping of playing field (via nuclear warhead or some such).

3) No invulnerability.

4) No extremely graphic depictions of material which would be better suited for an X-rated film. R is fine.

Although an unstructured "game" typically has few if any rules, these are up here to keep the game/story interesting. What fun is there in creating an antagonist who obliterates the other writer's characters with a sweep of his finger? Or vice versa? Even if "instant revival" were to be factored into it, the story/game would turn into one big cycle. Everything has an end. The same is true of rule two and three; Destroying everything in sight is over powered and If anyone was invulnerable, the story would drive towards boring much, much quicker.

Number four is just there for kicks. If you're the kind of person who enjoys writing overtly erotic literature, you're probably on the wrong website. :P

Sunday, September 12, 2010

English Club has a blog!

English Club now has a fancy space to share our writing, thoughts, events, and whatever else.  Instead of spamming everybody with another email, we'll have a sign-up sheet to be authors on the blog.  Author-ship will give you access to create new posts with your own writing and prompts for others.  For now, though, feel free to share by leaving comments to this post. Your SLU email account will give you access to comment. Here are a couple prompts:

  • Who are your favorite authors?
  • What have you written recently? 
  • What are your ideas about English Club? (and how awesome it is.)